Sunday, April 5, 2009

Doc update

I have over 9 minutes on my timeline for my tv doc, which suprised me since I didn't think i could have done so much work in so little time.

All I really have to do is add a few more clips and some effects and i'm done.

I still haven't put my IJ assignment in Windows Movie Maker yet, but I should be able to finish it today, if not, for sure by tomorrow. Well I don't really have a choice to finish it by tomorrow since tomorrow is the due date.

Tired today, and I don't feel like working on stuff, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

1 comment:

  1. :)

    You are like 'ol faithful' - you always strive to get your work done and get it in on time.

    It has been a pleasure having you in class this year....

    I know you'll do well on your practicum.

    It'll also be nice to have you in my Copyright Class next year....

