Sunday, April 26, 2009

Practicum starts tomorrow

It's been well over two weeks since I've written my last blog.

It's been a fairly good two weeks.

I did really good this year with school, which suprised me, because I didn't expect to do so well this year after struggling so much last year.

I start tomorrow at the Miramichi Leader, i'm looking forward to it. I also have baseball tryouts tomorrow night at 6:30.

I don't know how that's going to go, but i'm going t give it a shot.

Big day tomorrow, can't wait to get things started!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Doc update

I have over 9 minutes on my timeline for my tv doc, which suprised me since I didn't think i could have done so much work in so little time.

All I really have to do is add a few more clips and some effects and i'm done.

I still haven't put my IJ assignment in Windows Movie Maker yet, but I should be able to finish it today, if not, for sure by tomorrow. Well I don't really have a choice to finish it by tomorrow since tomorrow is the due date.

Tired today, and I don't feel like working on stuff, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Second last blong of the year....

Well the school year is going right down to the wire now! I can't beleive how fast the year has gone by.

It feel like just yesterday we were starting our second year of journalism and I was wondering how the hell I was going to pass anything since I had such a hard time last year.

But I guess all those extra long hours at school and working my ass off worked out pretty good for me.

I know i'm brutal at blogging, but I try.